Selection of articles published by SIA project partners

Published by Christine Hassoun on

The project partners attended several conferences and published a series of papers to present the results achieved during project life. Below a selection of papers published these past 2 years:

In June 2020, GMV NSL presented the project in the ICL-GNSS Conference. The paper entitled “Hybridized GNSS and IMU Positioning for Train Infrastructure Asset Health Status Monitoring within the SIA-Project” can be downloaded HERE.

In September 2020, GMV NSL presented the project in the conference ION GNSS+ 2020. The paper entitled “Positioning for Train-infrastructure Asset Health Status Monitoring within the SIA-project” can be downloaded HERE.
In November 2020, GMV NSL presented the project in theEuropean Navigation Conference(ENC) 2020. The paper entitled “Positioning Approach for Train-Infrastructure Interaction Assets Health Status Monitoring” can be downloaded HERE.

In January 2021, the CEIT-Basque Research and Technology Alliance published an article in a special issue of the Applied Sciences Journal “Monitoring and Maintenance Systems for Railway Infrastructure”. This article entitled “Prediction of Rolling Contact Fatigue Behavior in Rails Using Crack Initiation and Growth Models along with Multibody Simulations” can be downloaded HERE.

In February 2021, The German Aerospace Center (DLR) published an article in a special issue of the Applied Sciences Journal “Monitoring and Maintenance Systems for Railway Infrastructure”. This article entitled “Train Wheel Condition Monitoring via Cepstral Analysis of Axle Box Accelerations” can be downloaded HERE.

This project has received funding from the EU H2020 R&I programme and from the European Union Agency for the Space Programme under grant agreement #776402.