SIA project

EUSPA-funded SIA Project final event (15/10/21, 10.00am to 12.00pm CEST, online)

The SIA project has come to an end, and the final results achieved by the project partners are now being prepared.

The project team is eager to share the main technical achievements and the benefits of the European Global Navigation Satellite System (EGNSS) for rail and obtain feedback on the project results.

You are thus invited to the SIA project final event, to be held online on Friday 15 October from 10 am to 12 pm.

Click HERE to attend the zoom meeting

Event highlights:


This project has received funding from the EU H2020 R&I programme and from the European Union Agency for the Space Programme under grant agreement #776402.

For further information, please contact Christine Hassoun, dissemination advisor at UIC.

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